Hong Kong Fire Services Department
- Q1 : Announcement of Computerized Fire Alarm Transmission System (CFATS) Contract+-
Provision of Operation and Maintenance Service in respect of the Computerized Fire Alarm Transmission System (CFATS)Announcement Date
- Q2 : Licensing and Registration of various licensed /registered premises+-
All required documents for compliance with Polyurethane (PU) foam requirements have been submitted, why are these requirements still accorded as ‘outstanding’?
For full compliance with PU foam requirements, the following documents should be submitted and ready for verification:
(i) Test Certificate
(ii) Supplier Invoice
(iii) Manufacturer’s undertaking/invoice and/or
(iv) Labels for PU foam itemsThe test certificate should be authenticated by the company’s stamp of the manufacturer/supplier. The testing laboratory issuing the certificate should be accredited for tests in accordance with BS7176:1995 (medium hazard)/BS7177: 1996(medium hazard).
An invoice from the supplier indicating that foam slab/fabric/mattress complying with BS 7176: 1995 (medium hazard)/BS 7177: 1996(medium hazard) has been sold to the manufacturer for the fabrication of the upholstered furniture/mattress.
An undertaking/invoice from the manufacturer stamped with the company’s chop concerned to confirm the supply origin of the foam slab/fabric/mattress for the upholstered furniture/mattress manufacturing.
The mattress and furniture items should bear labels indicating that the items have met the specified standards.
For relocation, addition and/or deletion of sprinkler heads/hose reels, the relevant Certificate of Fire Service Installations and Equipment (FS 251) has been submitted for vetting, why is the requirement concerned still accorded as ‘outstanding’?
Ans: To comply with the requirement for fire service installation in connection with relocation, addition and/or deletion of sprinkler heads/hose reels, an FS251 should also be accompanied with a certificate FSI/314A or FSI/314B as appropriate duly completed by the Fire Service Installation Contractor responsible for the works. The production of certificate FSI/314A or FSI/314B is to certify that the alteration/addition works to the fire service installation are carried out in accordance with the required standards.
For the requirement on emergency lighting, the relevant Certificate of Fire Service Installations and Equipment (FS251) has been submitted, why is the requirement still accorded as ‘outstanding’?
Ans: FS 251 regarding the self-contained battery type emergency lighting unit should be issued by a Registered Class II FSI Contractor in which the manufacturer, brand name, model / type as well as the number of units installed is mentioned; and
The product catalogue containing the information regarding the performance of the unit, e.g. re-charging period, model no., input voltage, lighting duration, etc. should be submitted. In case that product catalogue is not available, a certificate issued by either an FSD recognized testing organization or a local university laboratory having the capability to prove the performance of the light may be accepted.What kind of batteries can be installed without the provision of a separate battery room in a cinema?
Ans: In accordance with para. 8.4 of Part XI, FSD Circular Letter No. 4/96, batteries shall be installed in a separate battery room unless the battery is an enclosed type which conforms to British Standard 6133 with capacity not exceeding 400 ampere-hours or the battery is valve regulated sealed type cells and conforms to BS 6290:Part 4.
- Q3 : Registered Fire Service Installation Contractor+-
What should the registered fire service installation contractor (FSIC) do when its registered address has changed?
Ans: The registered FSIC should notify FSD of its new registered address in both English and Chinese in writing within 14 days of its change of registered address and the effective date of such change. The registered FSI should also submit the updated officially certified true copies of its Business Registration Certificate and the application form for registration under the Business Registration Regulations. Both of which are obtainable from Business Registration Section of the Inland Revenue Department.
What should the registered FSIC do if its workshop address has changed?
Ans: The registered FSIC should notify FSD of its change of workshop address and the new workshop address in writing within 14 days of the effective date of such change. Documentary evidence (e.g. purchase / lease agreement) to prove its right of use of the new workshop should also be submitted.
In case the qualified person of the registered FSIC in classes 1 and / or 2 has left, what should the FSIC do?
Ans: The FSIC should notify FSD of the termination of its qualified person within 14 days of such termination. If the FSIC is registered by virtue of the qualifications of that qualified person, the FSIC should also notify FSD of the replacement of such qualified person. In the letter, FSIC should confirm whether the proposed qualified person is a full-time employee, the commencement date of his / her full-time employment and whether he/she is at the same time employed by another registered contractor. The following should also be sent to FSD for processing:
(a) Photocopy of the proposed qualified person's HKID Card; and
(b) Photocopy of the proposed qualified person's qualifications.How does fire service installations contractor be classified?
Ans: There are three classes of registered fire service installation contractors –
(a) Class 1
they are fit to install, maintain, repair and inspect any fire service installation or equipment (other than portable equipment) which contains an electrical circuit or other apparatus for the detection and warning, by alarm or otherwise, of smoke or fire.
(b) Class 2
they are fit to install, maintain, repair and inspect any fire service installation or equipment (other than portable equipment) which contains pipes and fittings designed or adapted to carry water or some other fire extinguishing medium; or any type of electrical apparatus other than those specified in Class 1.
(c) Class 3
they are fit to install, maintain, repair and inspect portable equipment.How can the owner of the fire service installations and equipment get the information of the list of registered FSICs in Classes 1, 2 & 3?
Ans: The information is available for inspection at fire stations, ambulance depots and any offices of the Fire Services Department. The lists of the registered FSICs in Classes 1, 2 & 3 are available at the following web pages:
FSI Contractors
- Q4 : Fire Service Installation+-
What is the general fire service installation requirement for Electrical and Mechanical Plant Room in a building?
Ans: In general, only Portable Fire Extinguishers are required for an E & M plant room in building/premises where the Fire Hydrant/ Hose Reel or Sprinkler System have already been provided.
Where can I get the information regarding the suitability and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers?
Ans: You may obtain sub-information from a pamphlet called “Fire Protection Notice no.11, Notes on Fire Extinguishers (Suitability and Maintenance)”, issued by Fire Services Department. The Notice is also available at the following web pages :Circular Letters / Code of Practice / Notice
How to handle unserviceable fire extinguishers properly (such as expired, damaged, etc.)?
Ans: According to “Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment”, unserviceable store-pressure type extinguishers should be discharged prior to disposal. Before disposal of unserviceable gas-cartridge type extinguishers, it is necessary to remove the headcap, disconnect the gas cartridge and clear the content. Further, the dry powder of dry powder type extinguisher should be collected for subsequent recycling or disposal. Clean agent fire extinguishers should be discharge to a closed recycling system. Therefore, members of public need to approach supplier of fire extinguisher or registered fire service installation contractor to dispose of unserviceable fire extinguishers.
What is the general requirement for the installation of sprinkler for typical Commercial, Industrial and Composite buildings/ premises?
Ans: In accordance with FSD Circular Letter No. 5/2020, the LPC Rules for Automatic Sprinkler Installation incorporating BS EN 12845:2015, with local modification, are recommended to be adopted as the standard for Sprinkler Installation referred in the Codes of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment and Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Installations and Equipment with effect from 1 January 2021.
Some basic information for siting of sprinkler as described in the standard is as follows:- Normal coverage area for one sprinkler head to be 12㎡.
- A clear space should be maintained below the deflector of sprinkler of at least 500mm.
- Distance between one sprinkler and adjacent sprinkler should not be less than 2m.
- Sprinkler protection of concealed space is not required, if the maximum height of the concealed space at ceiling or floor is not more than 300mm in space and containing no other materials except:
- Bare metal pipework
- Metallic floor box
- Cables (with voltage less than 250V, single phase) in metallic conduit or trunking
- Cables complying with Appendix 8 of the Code of Practice for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Installations and Equipment
Under what condition is the submission of FSI/501 required for Fire Service Installation Acceptance Inspection?
Ans: Submission of FSI/501 for Fire Service Installation Acceptance Inspection is normally required for the following buildings:
- Occupation permit required by Building Department.
What submission is required for of the minor alteration and addition works of FSI systems?
Ans: If the work does not involve change of FSI layout or location of the fixed equipment, submission of a Certificate of Registered FSI (F.S. 251) to the owner with copy to the Director of Fie Services will be sufficient.
If the works involves change of FSI layout or location of fixed equipment, a Certificate of Compliance, i.e. FSI/314A together with two copies of as-built FSI layout plans should be submitted to the Director of Fire Services in addition to the copy of F.S. 251 as described above.What are the processing procedures for Fire Service Installation Acceptance Inspection and Issuance of Certificate?
Ans: On receipt of the FSI/501 (Application for Inspection and Testing of Fire Service Installations and Equipment), an entry will be made in the FSI Inspection Register.
Inspection Officers of the FSI Division will carry out FSI inspections and tests. Based on a "first come first served" principle, inspection will be carried out within 15 working days upon receipt of FSI/501 by FSD.
F.S. 172 or FSI acceptance memo/ letter will be issued upon full compliance of Fire Services requirements.
Please refer to the Flow Chart for Fire Service Installation Acceptance Inspection and Issuance of Certificate.
- Q5 : How to maintain the Fire Service Installations in good working order+-
What to do if sprinkler heads are obstructed by Unauthorized Building Works (UBW)?
Ans: If an Unauthorized Building Works such as cockloft/partition is erected in premises, which obstructs sprinkler installation, for reason of fire safety, an additional layer of sprinkler heads should be provided. However, should the Buildings Department order the demolition of the UBW at a subsequent date then the sprinkler system must be reinstated to its original state and layout.
These involved alteration work to sprinkler installation should be undertaken by a Registered Fire Service Installation Contractor who shall issue to the person on whose instruction the work was undertaken a certificate and forward a copy thereof to the Director of Fire Services within fourteen days after completion of the work.
The list of Registered Fire Service Installation Contractor is available at the following sources:1. Government Gazette
2. Local fire stations or other Fire Services Department offices
3. District Offices
4. Fire Services Department Web Site: FSI ContractorsWhat should I do upon receipt of a Fire Hazard Abatement Notice?
Ans: Please note that this Notice, referring to a fire hazard is served on you, being the owner/tenant/occupier/person in charge of the premises.
It does not mean that you are the person whose act or default or sufferance caused the hazard. That person cannot readily be found.
The law states that where the person whose act, default or sufferance caused the fire hazard cannot readily be found, the Notice may be served on the owner/tenant/occupier/person in charge of the premises where the hazard exists and this is why the Notice is being served on you.
This Notice is a legal document and you are advised that failure to comply with the contents of the Notice within the time specified, may result in further action, including prosecution in a court of law.
It is in your own interests to abate this hazard to avoid danger to life or property which can arise in the event of a fire.
The list of Registered Fire Service Installation Contractors is available at the following sources :1. Government Gazette
2. Local fire stations or other Fire Services Department offices
3. District Offices
4. Fire Services Department Web Site: FSI ContractorsIs it required by law to maintain the fire service installations in efficient working order?
Ans: According to Fire Service (Installations and Equipment) Regulation 8, (a) the owners of any fire service installations or equipment which is installed in any premises shall keep such fire service installations or equipment in efficient working order at all times; (b) have such fire service installation or equipment inspected by a registered contractor at least once in every 12 months. Therefore, occupant should clarify and confirm with the owner or Incorporated Owners of the building that the building’s fire service installations are properly maintained and with valid certificate(s) issued by a registered fire service installation contractor.
Under what circumstances the operation of sprinkler system or other Fire Service Installations will be obstructed?
Ans: Very often, the operation of sprinkler system or other fire service installations are obstructed by internal decorations, such as, false ceiling or storage rack etc. So, whilst carrying out decoration to the premises, attention should be made not to cause any obstruction to the fire service installations or equipment provided in the premises.
1. Sprinkler System
Sprinkler system is one of the major fire service installations provided in the premises. The sprinkler head is activated upon sensing the rated temperature and water is then discharged automatically to extinguish a fire. The effective coverage of a single sprinkler head is limited. As such, sprinkler heads are distributed in a predetermined pattern. Any obstruction to sprinkler heads will reduce the designed effectiveness of the sprinkler system and thus constitutes a fire hazard. The following irregularities are commonly observed after refurbishment/decoration of the premises originally protected by a sprinkler system:- False ceiling blocks the sprinkler heads and thus affects their sensibility and water pattern discharged in case of fire. Rectification method is either by removing the whole false ceiling, or installing / extending the sprinkler heads below the false ceiling,
- Partition may reduce the coverage of adjacent sprinkler heads. Rectification method can be made either by removing / rearranging the partition, or relocating / adding sprinkler heads.
- Ventilation air duct may also affect the coverage of sprinkler heads. Rectification method can be made either by removing / rearranging the air duct, or relocating / adding sprinkler heads.
- Obstruction by goods/obstacles:- Generally speaking, a 0.5m clearance below the sprinkler heads should be kept free from any goods/obstacles.
2. Other Fire Service Installations or Equipment
Apart from sprinkler system, other fire service installations e.g. fire alarm, hose reel system, heat/smoke detectors, extinguishers, etc. shall also not be obstructed by obstacles and should be properly maintained for ready use in case of fire.
If alteration to fire service installation is involved, it must be carried out by a Registered Fire Service Installation Contractor, who shall issue to the person on whose instruction the work was undertaken a certificate and forward a copy thereof to the Director of Fire Services within fourteen days after completion of works.
The list of Registered Fire Service Installation Contractors is available at:- Government Gazette
- Local fire stations or other Fire Services Department offices
- District Offices
- Fire Services Department Web Site: FSI Contractors
- Q6 : Fire Hazard Abatement Notice+-
What should I do upon receipt of a Fire Hazard Abatement Notice?
Ans: Please note that this Notice, referring to a fire hazard is served on you, being the owner/tenant/occupier/person in charge of the premises.
It does not mean that you are the person whose act or default or sufferance caused the hazard. That person cannot readily be found.
The law states that where the person whose act, default or sufferance caused the fire hazard cannot readily be found, the Notice may be served on the owner/tenant/occupier/person in charge of the premises where the hazard exists and this is why the Notice is being served on you.
This Notice is a legal document and you are advised that failure to comply with the contents of the Notice within the time specified, may result in further action, including prosecution in a court of law.
It is in your own interests to abate this hazard to avoid danger to life or property which can arise in the event of a fire.
- Q7 : The Role of Fire Services Department at the Railway Development+-
When was the Railway Development Strategy Division established?
Ans: Railway Development Strategy (RDS) Division was established in April 2001.
Is the Railway Development Strategy Division responsible for the formulation of fire safety specifications and recommendations of all railway infrastructure projects?
Ans: RDS is mainly responsible for scrutinizing consultancy study reports, vetting building plans and formulation of fire safety requirements. In order to facilitate the implementation of other railway projects under construction, RDS participates in the planning and design of the railway projects and advises the railway companies and/or their consultants on the fire safety aspects through approval of the submissions. RDS is now responsible for the following railway projects:
(i) Railway projects proposed under the “Railway Development Strategy 2014”
- Northern Link
- Tung Chung West Extension
- Tuen Mun South Extension
- East Kowloon Line
- South Island Line (West)
- North Island Line
(ii) Railway projects that have been built or under construction
- East Rail Line
- West Rail Line
- Hong Kong Island Line
- Kwun Tong Line
- Tsuen Wan Line
- Tung Chung Line
- Tseung Kwan O Line
- Airport Express
- Disneyland Resort Line
- Light rail
- Express Rail Link
- Shatin to Central Link
- Q8 : Fire Safety Ambassador Scheme+-
What is the Fire Safety Ambassador Scheme?
Ans: The Fire Services Department has adopted a series of fire protection improvement measures and one of them is the implementation of Fire Safety Ambassador Scheme. Participants of the scheme are provided with basic fire protection training to enrich their fire safety knowledge.
What is the enrollment qualification of Fire Safety Ambassador?
Ans: Persons aged 12 or above are welcome to participate in the FSA Scheme. Interest persons may apply individually or through their affiliated organizations or call 2170 9635 / 2170 9629 for enquiries.
How to join the Fire Safety Ambassador Scheme?
Ans: Application Form for Fire Safety Ambassador Scheme can be obtained at local Fire Station or downloaded from FSA Web-site at www.fsaclub.org.hk.
- Q9 : Licensing Office+-
Is there any height restriction for the premises used as child care centre?
Ans: No part of any centre shall be situated at a height of more than 24m above ground level. Where children under 2 years of age are being care for, the height shall not exceed 12m between ground level and the floor level of the centre.
Is it allowed to erect a gate across the staircase at any intermediate level of a building?
Ans: Since the staircase forms part of the means of escape, occupant may use or intend to use it to escape to place of safety in case of fire or other calamity. If a gate is erected across the staircase, it may cause obstruction to the means of escape. Therefore, it is not allowed to erect any gate across staircase at any intermediate level of a building.
Is it required to install sprinkler system in food business premises?
Ans: A sprinkler system shall be provided for any premises area exceeding 230㎡ or premises in basement with area exceeding 126㎡.
What are the general Fire Services requirements for operating outside seating accommodation (OSA) of food premises?
Ans: Application for OSA should be submitted to FEHD directly and it will be referred to this Department for processing on fire safety aspects. Upon initial approval of application, FS requirements will be formulated for compliance. The following general FS requirements are listed for reference only and it may be some slight differences according to individual application:
- The OSA should not be situated within 6m from any dangerous goods store or installation, and within 1.5 metres of any fire hydrant ground valve and notice plate.
- The OSA should not cause obstruction any building fire service installation.
- No obstruction should be caused to any Emergency Vehicular Access (EVA) or the operation of Fire Services aerial appliance or equipment. As a general guide, a clear passage of not less than 6 metres wide with adequate headroom clearance should be maintained at the EVA outside the OSA at all times.
- No heating activities involving naked flame for cooking/food warming is permitted inside the OSA.
- _____ 9-litre CO2/water fire extinguisher should be provided at a conspicuous location for immediate use during emergency.
- The OSA should not be encroached with permanent structures/fence. If temporary fence/bollards are to be provided along the boundary for demarcating the OSA area, they should not be fixed onto the ground, and are able to be removed easily during emergency. The practice of inserting supports of the fence/bollard into holes on the ground or placement of substantially constructed decorating materials for the purpose is not allowed.
- Q10 : New Projects Division+-
What are the general requirements of Street Fire Hydrants?
1. Street fire hydrants provided within private developments will be regarded as Fire Service Installations (FSI) required under the provision of Section 16(1)(b) of the Buildings Ordinance, Cap. 123, Laws of Hong Kong. The street fire hydrant system shall be subject to the provisions of the Fire Service (Installations and Equipment) Regulations Cap. 95B, Laws of Hong Kong and shall be installed, maintained, repaired or inspected in accordance with the said Regulations.
2. Spacing between fire hydrants should be 100 metres staggered on alternate sides of the roadway wherever practicable.
3. The hydrant shall be of an accepted standard pattern and, when tested in accordance with provision of British Standards BS 1042 with one 65mm outlet working, shall be capable of delivering not less than 2,000 litres per minute (33.3 l/sec.) with a minimum running pressure of 170 kPa at the outlet.
4. The minimum output at para. 3 above should where possible be made available from two 65mm outlets of a system delivering at the same time, i.e. a total output of not less than 4,000 litres per minute (66.7 l/sec.).
5. Where the minimum standards could not be met, the water supply may have to be augmented by other means - e.g. sump tank and pumps. This will depend on the size and nature of the property to be protected, together with total available supply.
6. All hydrants should be installed in accordance with the Water Supplies Department Standard Mainlaying Practice.
7. Wherever possible, there should be at least two street fire hydrants within the site of the building concerned and they should be fixed not less than 6 metres from the building they are intended to protect.
8. The following procedure shall be adopted to identify newly installed street fire hydrants not yet put in commission and existing hydrants out of service :-- Hydrant body will be painted red or yellow according to the source of water supply i.e. fresh or salt water respectively;
- the 100mm outlet of pedestal hydrant will be fitted with a blue blank cap; or
- the 70mm outlet of swan neck hydrant will be fitted with a blue blank cap
What are the requirements of Emergency Vehicular Access (EVA)?
Ans: Emergency Vehicular Access is under the jurisdiction of the Buildings Department. Detailed requirements of EVA are specified in the Code of Practice for Fire Safety in Buildings published by the Buildings Department.
How could we identify the extent of the designated Emergency Vehicular Access (EVA) in a Development?
Ans: Within a development, the following signs shall be positioned along the EVA accordingly with effect from 1 January 1997 :-
- For EVA of driveway design
- an EVA Layout sign shall be erected at the entrances of the EVA ;
- EVA Indication signs shall be positioned at an interval of not more than 100m along the EVA;
- “No Parking” signs with standard conforming to the Road Traffic (Parking on Private Roads) Regulations and the Code of Practice for Private Roads shall be erected along the EVA at 50m intervals except where designated carparks are marked
- an EVA Layout sign shall be erected at the entrances of the EVA ;
- For EVA not of driveway design
- the EVA Layout sign to be erected at entrance as described in (a)(i) above shall still be provided; and
- as an alternative for the EVA Indication signs described in (a)(ii) above, Emergency Route signs may be fixed to the curb stones, planters, or other similar objects as appropriate at an interval of not more than 100m to mark the EVA. Such signs could be painted, engraved or made of metal.
Processing times for General Building and FSI plans
General Building Plans submission
Normal Projects- 40 days for new submissions
- 20 days for resubmitted/amended submissions.
Projects Submitted under the One Stop Centre for Warehouse Construction Permits administered by the Efficiency Unit
- 35 days, only applicable to new submissions
FSI Plans submission
Smoke control systems (i.e. pressurization of staircase, smoke extraction systems including both dynamic and static types, and ventilation/air conditioning control systems)- Normally not more than 12 weeks
- Normally not more than 8 weeks (depending on the complexity of the projects, it may be extended to not more than 12 weeks)
Where could the Fire Services Certificate F.S. 161 (Building Plans) be collected?
Ans: After Building Plans were approved by New Projects Division, authorized persons would be informed via letter to collect the Fire Services Certificate FS 161 at :-
Address : G/F, Fire Services Headquarters Building, 1 Hong Chong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kolwoon.
Working hours : Monday to Friday (except public holidays)
9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Q11 : PU Foam Filled Mattresses and Upholstered Furniture+-
Is there any fire safety requirement/standard regulating the ignitability and flammability of PU foam filled mattresses and upholstered furniture to be used in licensed premises ?
Ans: Since 2000, PU foam filled mattresses and PU foam filled upholstered furniture to be used in licensed premises (e.g. hotel, restaurant, school, cinema, club house…. ) shall meet either one of the following standards. For details, please see FSD Circular Letter No. 1/2000.
(Remark: the above-mentioned requirement shall not apply to mattresses or upholstered furniture filled with materials other than PU foam)
UK Standards
US Standards PU foam filled mattresses
BS 7177 : 1996
Resistance to ignition of mattresses, divans and bed bases
(Medium Hazard)
TB 129
Flammability test procedure for mattresses for use in public buildingsor
TB 121
Flammability test procedure for mattresses for use in high risk occupanciesPU foam filled upholstered furniture
BS 7176 : 1995
(Medium Hazard)
Resistance to ignition of upholstered furniture for non-domestic seating by testing compositesTB 133
Flammability test procedure for seating furniture for use in public occupancies
- Q12 : Ventilation Division+-
May I have some information about Ventilation Division?
Office Address
35/F, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.Business Hour
8:30 am to 5:45 pm, Monday to Friday
(Lunch break from 1:00 to 2:00 pm)General Information
Mechanical Ventilating System Requirement
Technical requirements on mechanical ventilating system have mostly been given at Part XI, FSD Circular Letter No. 4/96 issued on 22 October 1996.Duty of owners at Ventilating System
Pursuant to the Laws of Hong Kong Cap. 123 sub. leg. J and 132 sub. leg. CE, the owner of ventilating system shall—
(a) keep such ventilating system in safe and efficient working order at all times; and
(b) cause every damper, filter and precipitator in such ventilating system to be inspected by a registered specialist contractor in the appropriate category at intervals not exceeding 12 months.Enquiry Hotlines
For enquires, please contact Ventilation Division at 27187567.Forms
There are three different kinds of Report Completion forms:Vent/425 Report Completion for Restaurant and General Licence
Vent/425-DG Report Completion for Dangerous Goods Premises
Vent/Hotel-02A Report Completion for Hotel for accommodationWhat procedures should I take to arrange the inspection on ventilating system for Restaurant and General Licence?
Ans: On the request of verification inspection, you may complete and post the Report of Completion Form Vent/425 with original copy to us, or you may opt to hand in to our office at Fire Services Headquarters Building. FAX transmission is not accepted. Before report of completion, all ventilation drawings have to be submitted to this office via the Licensing Authority, FEHD.
What procedures should I take to arrange the inspection on ventilating system for Dangerous Goods premises?
Ans:On the request of electrical or ventilation inspection inside Dangerous Goods premises, you need to submit form Vent/425-DG in original copy. Before that, you have to ensure the following:
(1) You have already approached our Dangerous Goods Control Division on licence application;
(2) Ventilation or electrical drawings have been submitted. Please note that this office will not comment and endorse your drawings for project construction.
(3) For the Contractor who wishes to represent his client on submission, enquiry and attending inspection, he must obtain and submit the authorization letter from the licence applicant.How can I check the approval status of Letter of Compliance on ventilating system?
Ans: The Letter of Compliance will be issued by registered post to the applicant after the installation has been verified to our satisfaction. To secure the privacy on information, we only accept the enquiry on approval status by the licence applicant himself or such person authorized by him in writing. You are also required to provide case file number and premises address for auditing purpose.
Can I collect the Letter of Compliance in person?
Ans: If you wish to obtain the Letter of Compliance in person, please take note of the following points:
(1) You inform the arrangement to Inspection Officer during ventilation inspection.
(2) Applicant shows the Hong Kong Identity Card when collection in person.
(3) Appointed person must possess the authorization letter from the applicant.
(4) For application by company, any person must carry an authorization letter as well as the company chop.
(5) You make an appointment before visiting to office via hotline (Tel.: 27187567).
(6) The first issue of Letter of Compliance is free of charge.Where can I get the list of Registered Specialist Contractor (Ventilation)?
Ans: Since April 1988, all ventilation contractors have to be reassessed under new registration scheme. For the list of contractors at current registration, you may visit the website of Buildings Department – http://www.bd.gov.hk
- Q13 : How to request a fire safety talk+-
Ans: The Fire Services Department always put emphasis on fire safety education. Any company or organization may contact Community Emergency Preparedness Division or any local fire station for arrangement of free fire safety talk. For enquiries, please call 2411 8716 or any local fire station.
- Q14 : Electric Locking Devices+-
How can an electric locking device installed on the doors/gates in a means of escape fulfill the requirements of the Fire Services Department?
Ans: The Fire Services Department has the following requirements on the operation of an electric locking device:
- The electric locking device can be readily opened from the inside without the use of a key at all times; and
- Upon power failure, the electric locking device shall be released automatically. To facilitate the testing of this function, the device should be fitted with a power on/off switch.
If the electric locking device does not meet the aforesaid requirements, does it contravene any Fire Services legislation?
Ans: If an electric locking device does not fulfil the aforesaid requirements, it will become a potential fire hazard to the building occupants and contravene relevant Fire Services regulation. Pursuant to section 15 of the Fire Services (Fire Hazard Abatement) Regulations, Cap 95F, Laws of Hong Kong,
“(1) A person commits an offence if the person-
- (a) secures or causes to be secured the means of escape in respect of any premises; or
- (b) being the owner, tenant, occupier or person in charge of any premises, permits or suffers to be secured the means of escape in respect of the premises, by any lock or other device which in the event of fire or other calamity
- (c) cannot readily and conveniently be opened from within the premises without the use of a key; or
- (d) might render escape materially more difficult.
(2) A person who commits an offence under this section shall be liable-
- (a) on a first conviction, to a fine at level 6;
- (b) on a subsequent conviction, to a fine of $200,000 and to imprisonment for 1 year, and in any case, to a further fine of $20,000 for each day during which the offence continues.”
Will FSD approve various types of electric locking devices for use on doors/gates in the means of escape?
Ans: According to the current Fire Services legislation, FSD will not approve any types of locks (including electric locking devices) used on doors/gates in the means of escape. The requirements for the means of escape of buildings fall within the jurisdiction of Buildings Department which may be approached at 2626 1616.
- Q15 : Safe Use of Essential Oils+-
Are Essential Oils classified as dangerous goods?
Ans: Most essential oils in the market are flammable liquids. In general, flammable liquid is classified as class 3 dangerous goods. If organic solvents, such as Ethyl Alcohol or Isopropyl Alcohol are added to the essential oils, the products would become even more flammable.
How to store Essential Oils?
Ans: Care must be exercised in the storage of essential oils as follows:
- Keep them in dark and air-tight bottles free from exposure to heat and extreme temperature fluctuations.
- Keep them away from direct sunlight.
- Keep them away from the reach of children.
- Lock them well in cupboards or boxes.
- Store limited quantity of essential oils.
How to safely use Essential Oils?
Ans: Essential oils should be handled with great respect and responsibility. When using essential oils, the following fire precautions should be adopted:
- Keep them away from naked flame or heat source such as stove or lighted cigarettes.
- Keep the room well ventilated.
- Do not put a burner-type vaporizer near flammable materials nor place it at a windy position. Never leave the vaporizer unattended. Extinguish the flame before adding oil. Do not use a vaporizer with cracks on it.
- Do not add too much water to an electric vaporizer as it might wet its outside and the power cord when water overflows. Turn off the power after using the vaporizer
- Q16 : Refuge Floor+-
What is a "Refuge Floor"?
Ans: A refuge floor is a protected floor that serves as a refuge for the occupants of the building to temporarily assemble and rest in case of fire.
In general, refuge floors should be provided in all buildings (except for a domestic building or a composite building not exceeding 40 storeys) exceeding 25 storeys in height, at not more than 20 storeys and 25 storeys respectively for industrial and non-industrial buildings from any other refuge floor, or above the street or the open area.
Domestic buildings or composite buildings exceeding 25 storeys but not exceeding 40 storeys in height, the main roof of the building may be regarded as a refuge floor. All refuge floors should comply with the requirements as specified in the “Code of Practice for Fire Safety in Buildings 2011” published by the Buildings Department.
What are the general requirements of a “Refuge Floor”?
Ans: Every refuge floor should comply with the following requirements:
(a) There is no occupied accommodation or accessible mechanical plant room, except fire service water tanks and associated fire service installation plant room, at the same level as the refuge floor;
(b) The net area for refuge should be not less than 50% of the total gross floor area of the refuge floor and should have a clear height of not less then 2300mm;
(c) The minimum dimension of the area for refuge should be at least 50% greater than the width of the widest staircase passing through the refuge floor;
(d) The area for refuge should be separated from the remainder of the building in accordance with the requirements in the “Code of Practice for Fire Safety in Buildings 2011” published by the Buildings Department;
(e) The area for refuge should be open-sided above safe parapet height on at least two opposite sides to provide adequate cross ventilation: the open sides should comply with the requirements in the “Code of Practice for Fire Safety in Buildings 2011”
(f) Any staircase passing through a refuge floor should be discontinued at such level so that the exit route is diverted to pass over part of the refuge area before it is continued to exit downwards;
(g) Every part of the area for refuge should be provided with artificial lighting providing a horizontal illuminance at floor level of not less than 30 lux and backed up by an emergency lighting system providing a horizontal illuminance at floor level of not less than 2 lux. The design of the emergency lighting system should comply with the Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment;
(h) A refuge floor should be provided with such fire service installation and equipment as may be required by the Director of Fire Services;
(i) A refuge floor (other than a roof) should be served by a fireman’s lift. The lift doors should not open onto the refuge floor in normal operation and should be locked at all times until automatically released on actuation of the fireman’s switch; and
(j) At each refuge floor, notices and directional signs should be provided as follows:
*Directional Sign
- Q17:What are the considerations that applicants should take into account before choosing the location for restaurant business? +-
What are the considerations that applicants should take into account before choosing the location for restaurant business?
Ans: The following premises are considered not suitable to be licensed as restaurants :
- Industrial portion of any buildings;
- Premises at or below basement level four;
- Premises in areas designated for emergency use, such as the “buffer” floor and the refuge floor;
- Premises located vertically below, therefore posing a fire hazard to, a registered school, child care centre or elderly home. (However, consideration would be given to those where such fire hazard can be mitigated.)
Notwithstanding the above, applicants should take into account the following circumstances before choosing the location for business:
- The old composite building1 ;
- The gross floor area exceeding 230m2 or at basement with an area exceeding 126m2; and
- Due to structural or spatial constraints, it may not be feasible to install fire service water tanks for the sprinkler systems
Owing to the above, applicants may require to install the improvised sprinkler system within their licensed premises, the water supply for the systems may be provided from direct town main water connection or a connection from the existing fire hydrant/hose reel systems. Old composite buildings enforced under the Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance, Cap.572 may be required to improve fire service installations and equipment of the building. The fire service installations and equipment in individual units of the building would then be required to be integrated with those fire service installations and equipment in other parts of the building. For instance, the existing improvised sprinkler systems of different units are required to be integrated with each other and the new sprinkler system of the building. The relevant application procedures is enclosed below link for reference.
1Referring to buildings constructed, or intended to be used, (i) partly for domestic purposes and partly for non-domestic purposes; or (ii) for domestic purposes with more than three storeys; and constructed on or before 1st March 1987, or building works with plans first submitted to the Building Authority for approval on or before 1st March 1987.
- Q18:Questions on Stand-alone Fire Detector+-
Why should I need a Stand-alone Fire Detector (SFD) for my flat?
Ans: An SFD is installed to give early warning to occupants at the incipient stage of a fire to enable them to take appropriate action or timely evacuation.Is it a statutory requirement to install an SFD?
Ans: Starting from 1 September 2021, all SFDs which are installed in premises upon one's volition is exempted from the application of the Fire Service (Installations and Equipment) Regulations (Cap. 95B) (FS(IE)R). In other words, members of the public will no longer be required to engage a Registered Fire Service Installation Contractor for the installation and maintenance of their purchased SFDs. As for SFDs that are required by or pursuant to law to be installed, they will continue to be regulated by FS(IE)R; and the owners have to continue to comply with relevant statutory duties.How to tell whether a fire detector in the flat is exempted from the regulation?
Ans: Subsequent to the amendment of FS(IE)R, all SFDs installed in premises upon the owners/occupiers' own volition are exempted, except those SFDs which are required by or pursuant to law to be installed. In general, an SFD which is exempted from the regulation should have a test button and a built-in alarm sounder powered by battery with no additional electrical wiring.Is it necessary to purchase SFDs approved by the Fire Services Department (FSD)?
Ans: The sale of SFDs is not subject to the FSD's regulation, not do they require prior approval from the department. Members of the public should purchase SFDs that comply with relevant international/national standards which should have been adopted by different places around the world.Will the SFD notify the FSD automatically after being activated?
Ans: The actuation of an SFD will not notify the FSD automatically. It will only produce an alarm to alert occupants of the premises upon actuation.A detector was provided for "Open Kitchen" when I purchased my unit. Under the newly amended regulation, the SFD is exempted from relevant requirements. Can I remove the detector provided therein?
Ans: No, a detector installed in an "Open Kitchen" is not an SFD. The detector is an integral part of a fire detection system, with its signal linked with the fire services control panel / the building management office / the common fire alarm system of the floor where the premises with open kitchen is situated, and the detector is regulated under the FS(IE)R.Are SFDs with "Smart Home" features exempted from the FS(IE)R?
Ans: SFDs with smart home features have become increasingly popular and they will also be exempted from the application of the amended FS(IE)R.How to prevent the occurrence of false alarm?
Ans: SFDs can operate effectively and reliably nowadays as they are built with sophisticated technology and covered by various international/national standards regulating their designs and manufacture. Most SFDs' user manuals recommend users not to install them close to air-conditioning outlet, light-fitting, bathroom and kitchen, etc. so as to minimize the occurrence of false alarms.How often do I need to change the SFD's battery?
Ans: The battery of an SFD generally has at least one-year life span. Thanks to the advance of battery technology, some SFD's battery can last as long as 10 years. Nevertheless, periodic checking of the battery status is recommended, such as conducting monthly checking.Is there any detector designed for people with hearing impairment?
Ans: There are models with auxiliary equipment in the market designed specifically for people with hearing impairment, such as those with strobe lights and a bed shaker pad. Featured with strong lights and vibrating pads, the devices can alert hearing impaired occupants of the unit to a fire.For enquiries, please contact our Fire Protection Facilities Supervision Division at 2733 1567 or email: sfd@hkfsd.gov.hk